About ME
For as long as I have lived in England (born and raised) I have been that curly head of hair that has always had a passion for drawing. Between my home life and work life I spend the little free time I can find drawing. I have to carry my mini sketchbook with me absolutely everywhere so I never miss an opportunity to capture any inspiration along the way.
Most of my wanderlust centers around travelling and creativity. I have covered predominantly Asia & Europe where much of my inspiration has sprouted from. However, I have yet to scratch the surface with relaying these experiences in my artwork.
My back story....
As a young child I had the most impressive attention to detail. Art lessons were the highlight of my school day. Most of my adult life has been spent trying to kick off a career and it took quite a few years to realize how much I missed creating until four years ago (feeling a bit rusty), I decided to create my first collection of artworks.
This entailed a lot of research and practice in great depth to get back to the level of detail and precision that used to come second nature to me. This first set was launched and displayed in galleries in London - a great accomplishment that I will never forget.
I typically refer to my work as "Simplex" art (simple concepts but combined with a complexity in the execution) - use of diverse levels of details, drawing styles, medium and ranges of depth.
And now....?
I have envisaged a multiple set of collections which I am currently working towards to share in the near future. Stay tuned!
To keep up to date with latest and greatest art pieces follow Juskiran Sond Art @ instagram.com/juskiransond
Let’s Work Together!
Don't get put off with my tight day-to-day schedule! I love working with
other people and discussing new ideas or working on side projects.
I can make time for you....
-If you have any ideas or you are a fellow artist/designer looking for a
collaboration then feel free to contact me.